Can you take it as good as you give it?

Most people would consider themselves as pretty generous individuals when it comes towards giving to others, but are they just as generous when it comes to being on the receiving side?

That might seem a little weird since you would assume people would say sure, I’ll take money if someone wants to give it to me, but when it comes time to put hand to cash, can you just accept it with no problems? I would guess a lot of people are like me and have a bit of trouble accepting it. Maybe its a pride issue? Don’t want to be thought of as needy person or indebted to someone or whatnot? Maybe it goes deeper and you want to be thought of as the big helper and savior as others and accepting stuff from someone else changes that balance.

Regardless of the reason though, perhaps it would help if you flipped it around and thought about the joy that you get from helping someone and that you are taking that same feeling away from someone else. Think of how it might help someone else to think that they are repaying you a little kindness for everything you do for them instead of a one way street of you helping them. Its not a easy question for me to answer that I still search for the reasons inside me, perhaps you might find an answer or two in your own situation.

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