The end of the Internet
Do you ever feel like you have reached this page? The Internet for its vast amount of information and data can seem overwhelming in its ability to suck up time and yet sometimes feels so small. Think about it for a second, I am willing to bet if you looked at your Internet usage over time, you mostly tend to stick to a really small group of regular sites and subject areas.
I know there have been times I have checked my RSS feeds, hit a few other favorite sites, and hit the what now point. On the one hand, you feel like surely there must be something else to read or check, its the Internet after all, but it also feels like okay I’m bored there is nothing else here to do why am I even trying.
I try listening to that little voice as much as possible and just shut the computer down at that point and do something else. I usually have a nice stack of books from the library I am working through and projects that needs a little time on even if they never seems quite finished. It comes down to priorities in life and I am trying to get better at how I make use of my time. I do not always select the right option, but I am working on it!